Symantec does not recommend customizing the LDAP tree. It is not included in Symantec's Technical Support contract.
However, I find there are a slew of things you customize which are nice features that I wish Symantec included. For example automating updates to user look up tables, auto-import of users, failover settings, etc. These attributes are all stored in the LDAP tree.
Mod at your own risk:
Connection information:Port 636 (SSL)
Protocol LDAP v3
LDAP Search using objectClass=* as a filter locally on the SSIM:
$ldapsearch -h localhost -Z -K /etc/symantec/ses/key.kdb -b "o=symc_ses" -D 'USERID=Administrator,ou=People,DC=[your_domain],O=SYMC_SES' -w [admin_password]" "objectClass=*"
Jxplorer is a nice tool for LDAP browsing SSIM. You may see some fields storing XML (for example symcMetaData for the userlook up tables). These fields need to be base64 encoded prior to setting the attribute.
Modifying look up tables for example:
ldapsearch -h localhost -Z -K /etc/symantec/ses/key.kdb -b "cn=Lookup Tables,cn=Rule Engine,cn=SIM,ou=Administration,dc=[DOMAIN],o=symc_ses" -D 'USERID=Administrator,ou=People,DC=[DOMAIN],O=SYMC_SES' -w [PASSWORD] "dlmCaption=[TABLE_NAME]"
This is the ldif I am importing:
dn: orderedCimKeys=Symc_Setting.SettingID\=[TABLE_NAME],cn=Lookup Tables,cn =Rule Engine,cn=SIM,ou=Administration,dc=[DOMAIN],o=symc_ses changetype: modify replace: cisProperty cisProperty:: JXR5cGVzLHRleHQsdGV4dCx0ZXh0DQolbmFtZXMsIlVzZXJuYW1lIiwiRmlyc3RuYW1lIiwiTGFz dG5hbWUiDQoNCiJzcG9uZ2Vib2IiLCJzcG9uZ2Vib2JmaXJzdG5hbWUiLCJzcG9uZ2Vib2JsYXN0 bmFtZSINCiJwYXRyaWNrIiwicGF0cmlja2ZpcnN0IiwicGF0cmlja2xhc3QiDQoicGF0cmljazIi LCJwYXRyaWNrZmlyc3QyIiwicGF0cmlja2xhc3QyIg0KInBhdHJpY2szIiwicGF0cmlja2ZpcnN0 MyIsInBhdHJpY2tsYXN0MyI= -
To get the resulting table:
%types,text,text,text %names,"Username","Firstname","Lastname" "spongebob","spongebobfirstname","spongeboblastname" "patrick","patrickfirst","patricklast" "patrick2","patrickfirst2","patricklast2" "patrick3","patrickfirst3","patricklast3"
You also need to modify the LDAP attribute symcSequenceRevision with an updated timestamp. This time stamp is in Zulu time format. If you do not update this, then the table will not be updated.