Thursday, May 27, 2010

Follow up on Dameware Exploit

A follow up on the Dameware post. After updating to latest SP3 hotfixes and patches, the memory address for "jmp esp" is changed again on kernel32.dll.

At the time of this post, the new memory is:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dameware Mini Remote Control Client Agent Exploit Windows XP SP3

/Start update 3/2/2011

After updating to latest SP3 hotfixes and patches, the memory address for "jmp esp" is changed again on kernel32.dll.

At the time of this post, the new memory is:

/End update

An oldy, but during a pentest the client had an old version of Dameware, however running on Windows XP SP3 (not supported) by the following above code.

In the following lines where the code defines its static offset addresses to locate the "jmp esp" command:

target_os[] = ...

"WIN XP" ,{{ 0x71ab7bfb,"kernel32.dll" },{ 0x71ab7bfb,"ws2_32.dll" },{ 0x7C941EED,"ws2_32.dll" },{ 0x00000000,"unknown.dll" },{ 0x00000000,"unknown.dll" },{ 0x00000000,"unknown.dll" },{ 0x00000000,"unknown.dll" }}},


We can see that item "3" is set to 0x00000000 and unknown.dll. This placeholder is for XP SP3.

Using Immunity Debugger and sifting through Dameware's modules, I found that it is using kernel32.dll 's jmp esp.

Thus, replace item 3 with 0x7C86467B, "kernel32.dll" to effectively altering the script to support Windows XP SP3.

Like most Buffer Overflow exploits, this one, you only get one shot before nuking the service. Thus, double check and test the exploit before carrying it out.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


New type of phishing. This is ingenius:


From UC Berkeley, IDS:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Port sweep

Quick and dirty portsweep script:


if [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$2" == "" ]
echo "./ [hostlist_file] [port]"

for host in `cat $1`
echo "scanning $host"
nmap -oG $host-$2.out -v $host/24 -p$2 -P0

grep open *$2.out | cut -d" " -f2 > $2.lst

*.lst contains a list of IPs only.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Merge multiple lines in a file to one line

#paste -s -d " " input.txt > output.txt

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cross-Compiling on BT4

#cd /root/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin
#wine gcc.exe [file].c -o [output]

Often times the code will use winsock (for initiating shells over TCP), in this case use the lws2_32 flag:

#wine gcc.exe [file].c -o [output] -lws2_32

Monday, May 3, 2010

Converting and Merging capture (.cap) files

ivstools --convert [cap_file] [converted_file_name]
ivstools --convert [airportSniff2NfxpB.cap] [sniff.ivs]

ivstools --merge [ivs_file1] [ivs_file2] ... [merged_output_file_name]
ivstools --merge sniff1.ivs sniff2.ivs sniff_out.ivs

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Piping JTR to Aircrack

./john -incremental=All --stdout | aircrack-ng - e [ssid] -w - [capture_file]


/pentest/passwords/jtr/john -incremental=All --stdout | aircrack-ng -e linksys4800 -w - airportSniffT7T3Rh.cap